Stop Doom-Scrolling: 5 Tips to Maximize Productivity and Happiness

All or most of us have a routine, right?

Wake up, workout, have protein, breakfast, work, lunch, work, evening snacks, work, games, dinner, netflix and chill. Or maybe your looks different than mine.

In any case, a lot of think in terms of productivity. We want to be very productive, tick off things that are on our to-dos and what not and we think we are not wasting out time.

Now, you see the time spent doing things you love isn’t time wasted.

The time you spend doing things that relax you and uplift your mood is also not time wasted.

But the things you do that neither make you happy, nor relax you, nor makes you any money, now that is what I’d call waste of time.

For a lot of us, that is the time we spend endlessly scrolling on social media, be it instagram reels, tiktok, x or any other social media.

That my friend is the biggest waste of time.

So, if you are spending a lot of time doom-scrolling, here’s what you should do instead:

  1. Try reading more.
  2. Spend more time learning something new.
  3. Find a hobby that interests you more than scrolling.
  4. Set timers and never exceed screen time no matter what.
  5. Text or call a friend instead (i.e., if you can)

Now, over to you, look at your day objectively and figure out where do you waste your time. Once you have the answer, try to fix it.

That’s all for today.

Daily writing prompt
How do you waste the most time every day?

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