Can you have it all?

No one has it all, right?

Or someone does and you just don’t know?

Well, to be honest first thing you need to answer is what does having it all mean TO YOU?

The meaning of Having it all

Generally speaking, having it all means achieving balance and success in multiple areas of one’s life. This can include professional success, personal fulfilment, good health, strong relationships, and financial stability.

However, the definition is very subjective so you need to ask yourself, what does having it all mean to you.

For me, having it all means: financial stability, good health, a close knit friend circle, a loving and understanding partner and lot of scope for improvement in life. And probably some extra time in the day 🙂

Is it possible to have it all?

It depends on how to look at things? You can have it all if you don’t want much. But again, being greedy and wanting more in life is important because that is how you become ambitious.

So, if you are someone who is content in life, it is possible to have it all. And if you are always greedy for more and keep working for it, then also it is possible to have it all. Leaving one percent on luck though 🙂

That’s what I think.

What are your thoughts?

Daily writing prompt
What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it attainable?

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